Saturday, 4 March 2017

10 Questions I Found Answers To On My First Field Trip

Q: How annoying is the sound of your own voice when you’re transcribing an interview?
A: So annoying! (Solution: talk less, listen more.)

Q: How frequently does Microsoft Word automatically save your transcription document by default?
A: Every 15 minutes. This is not nearly frequent enough. Change it. Change it now.

Q: Can you get homesick when you’re doing fieldwork just two hours down the highway?
A: Yes! (This was unexpected.) Obviously staying in a hostel in what is basically now south-south Perth is nowhere near as challenging as, say, kayaking in the southern swamps of Venezuela. Doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to message your friends and family daily just because you miss them. That’s okay. That’s good. That’s what they’re there for.

"The northern swamps are pretty swampy." "They're nothing."

Q: Can you eat breakfast cereal with a fork?
A: Yes! For most foods, the difference between eating utensils is customary rather than functional.

Q: What is the minimum number of ingredients needed to make rice and beans?
A: Four: rice, beans, tomatoes, some kind of seasoning. (I recommend cumin or chilli.) Three ingredients would be uncouth. Four is couth.

Q: Do ESFPs really exist?
A: Yes!

It’s no secret that I like using the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory to think about and understand other people’s personality tendencies, but I guess given my own personality tendencies and life choices, most people I know are INF_s, _NFPs, or _NTJs. What would an ESFP even look like, I often wondered, as I tried to imagine someone who actually enjoys the company of crowds, who prefers the physical sensation of what’s happening now to the neurotic analysis of the past/the future, who “goes with the flow” and “leaves their options open”???

Such people do exist, and they are called backpackers. Bright, beautiful, irksome creatures. Stop having your parties outside my window and leave me to watch my murder mysteries in peace.

Q: How unpleasant is it to throw up at a backpackers?
A: The most unpleasant.

Q: Where can you drink alone without drinking alone in a bar?
A: Licensed cafes.

(This question is unrelated to the previous question. I found the answer to the previous question first.)

I often travel alone, which means I often dine alone. I haven’t yet mustered the courage to ask for a ‘table for one’ in a bar or nice restaurant (I wish I could, on principle), but sometimes you just need a drink, and it turns out it’s perfectly socially acceptable to drink by yourself in a cafe. Order a couple of beers and some nachos, bring your Kindle, and you’re good to go. (That or you can make friends with backpackers, I suppose.)

Q: Could the UWA “You” advertising be more annoying?
A: Yes! In the form of a giant ‘you can do the impossible’ billboard on Forrest Highway heading north; like the disapproving eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg; a symbolic reminder that your dreams are an empty lie.

Q: Is ‘hope’ an appropriate substitute for sunscreen? (As in "it’s sunnier than I thought, I hope I don’t get sunburnt?")
A: No. But I never learn.

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